leading a green
future by turning
waste into energy
biogas leading the future
Biogas is a type of renewable energy produced from organic matter such as agriculture waste, organic waste, and food waste through a process called anaerobic digestion (“AD”). The biogas produced can be used for various applications including electricity generation, heating, and transportation fuel. The biogas industry is growing rapidly, driven by the increasing demand for renewable energy and the global need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
doing our part

> 52,800
tonnes of food and animal waste are converted into biogas every year

> 175,000
mmBTU of biogas produced every year

Circular Economy
Production of biogas utilizes organic waste as feedstock to produce renewable energy, while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions and providing valuable organic fertilizer for agricultural use

Zero-Discharge Facility
Biogas Plants under Forward Energy comes equipped with a Wastewater Treatment Plant incorporating the constructed wetlands system that processes wastewater to an acceptable Standard B level to be used back in the facility, discharging nothing
Prevent leaking of leachate
disposal of animal waste


Our Values

We are committed to reducing environmental impact and promoting a circular economy

We put great importance in Research & Development. continuously improving processes and products

We prioritize transparency, honest, and ethical practices, ensuring highest standards in safety and compliance

We focus on the development and well-being of employees, opportunities for professional growth and development
our collaborators